5 Myths About Addiction That May Impact Recovery


However, encouraging a loved one to seek treatment may give them the motivation they need. If they aren’t ready to begin treatment, at least they are aware of the option. But, in order to be successful, the individual going to treatment needs to be engaged and willing to change. You may have heard people say, “once they hit rock bottom, they’ll get help.” This saying is dangerous because it encourages a person to keep going until they are near death or an overdose. It implies that doing more drugs will somehow help you get treatment.

Addiction to drugs or alcohol is a multi-faceted, individualized chronic disease. Until society and the media accept this fact, these disruptive and harmful myths will continue to persist. Unfortunately, their effect on recovery is detrimental, and may even dissuade an individual from entering or believing in treatment and recovery from addiction.

Myth #5: Relapse is a Sign of Failure

It is much like any other physical or psychological illness. They need help in making the decision and following it through. Many people believe prescription drugs are safer than illicit drugs just because they are recommended by a doctor.

myths about addiction and recovery

However, the contrary is true—a person should seek treatment early on in the addiction. Also, being at the bottom implies you are at the lowest point in your addiction, making it exceptionally difficult to move forward. Some people have heard that the best and only way to really “kick the habit” is to quit cold turkey, meaning to quit suddenly. People who believe this thinking don’t take action because the thought of stopping all of a sudden seems so drastic. Also, doing it by yourself can be dangerous due to all the withdrawal symptoms you’ll likely experience. At a qualified rehab facility, you’ll have professional clinicians assisting you through the process, making sure you are safe during detox. The stigma surrounding addiction implies that addicted people lack morals, but this assumption is completely unfounded.

Myth: “Addiction is a choice! Kids should just say no.”

At Groups, many of our counselors have personal recovery stories. Alyssa who is the National Director of Digital Marketing, joined the Banyan team in 2016, bringing her five-plus years of experience. She has produced a multitude of integrated campaigns and events in the behavioral health and addictions field. Through strategic marketing campaign concepts, Alyssa has established Banyan as an industry leader and a national household name. These myths about addiction have been debunked, do not wait to get you or your loved one help. Recovery can begin at any point in the addiction process—and the earlier, the better. The longer drug abuse continues, the stronger the addiction becomes and the harder it is to treat.

myths about addiction and recovery

Addiction doesn’t corrode your will forever – recovery is hard, but it’s a road that, if anything, only serves to bolster and embolden a person’s will. They can feed a cycle of shame, resent, and negativity. They can prevent addicts from asking for help when they need it. The best way to combat misconceptions is to be educated about the truth.

Alcohol addiction isn’t as bad as drug addiction

In other cases, if a person is going through withdrawal and experiences more severe symptoms such as a seizure, they are in danger of serious injury or death if they attempt to face this alone. If you’ve tried treatment before, that does not mean it is time to give up. With thousands of facilities across the U.S., finding the right facility can be a difficult process. To make this process easier, The Recovery Village offers someguidelines to help you find the right rehab. By using these guidelines, you can better identify programs that will promote and empower your lasting recovery. Some people would rather try to fight through their addiction on their own than seek treatment because they believe rehab is a waste of time.

  • It is surprising to find the number of myths that surround someone’s road to recovery away from substance abuse.
  • They often have a sixth sense about what will and won’t be effective in each case.
  • However, encouraging a loved one to seek treatment may give them the motivation they need.
  • The best way to combat misconceptions is to be educated about the truth.
  • Modern science has shown thataddiction is a disease, not a choice.

Prescription opioids are responsible for up to 30% of all overdose deaths in the U.S. Not just with your physical health, but with your family, your friends, your job, your whole life. So many of our members have heard all the same myths, and felt all the same frustrations and challenges you’re facing. Recovery from drug addiction is a long process that often involves setbacks. Relapse doesn’t mean that treatment has failed or that sobriety is a lost cause.

Common Myths About Addiction Recovery, Debunked

For example, a report from the National Institute on Drug Abusereported that an estimated 18 million people in the U.S. misused prescription medications in the past year. In fact, leading authorities on addiction agree that substance abuse is a chronic disease similar to heart disease, diabetes and cancer. There are a variety of factors that go into why someone would struggle with addiction. Life circumstances like trauma, mental myths about addiction and recovery illness, or genetics can contribute but sometimes it has nothing to do with it. Scientists and researchers have categorized addiction as a “complex disease.” But that doesn’t mean there is no help or hope for addiction issues. In fact, rehab facilities have made great strides in developing treatments for people who struggle with drug or alcohol abuse. Just like any other disease, you can find relief for this disorder.

myths about addiction and recovery

While there has been scientific progress in this realm of medical science, there is still a massive social stigma regarding abuse and addiction. When people who are addicted or who are related to an addict are ashamed, they won’t speak up, reach out for help, or talk about how theillness is impacting the family. When addiction is kept in the dark, myths and misconceptions https://ecosoberhouse.com/ will abound and further muddy everyone’s understanding of the disorder. “Marijuana is not addictive.” Yes, marijuana is addictive. Most recreational marijuana users who try to stop taking the drug experience withdrawal symptoms. The legalization of marijuana in several U.S. states has led to the misconception that marijuana is a harmless drug.

Florida Hurricane Recovery Essentials

Peer support is also designed for you to meet people who are further along in their recovery journey. Listening to them share their stories and seeing how far they have come can provide encouragement and motivation on the tough days.

  • While tough love can have a place in some recovery methods, it’s essential to discuss this behavior with an addiction treatment specialist before implementing this form of treatment.
  • That way, you can focus on learning the skills of your recovery, instead of feeling sick.
  • The feeling that everything is “good” aids in the denial, rationalization, and justifications.
  • Some people think that because a doctor prescribed a drug, it’s not “as bad” as street drugs like heroin, crack, or cocaine.

Everyone responds to treatment very differently, even if it is the same substance being abused. A successful treatment should be tailored to the individual and their specific needs. As mentioned above, there are lots of “high-functioning” addicts. Addiction comes with a lot of guilt and embarrassment so many develop behaviors that allow them to effectively hide their addiction, at least for a period of time. Keep in mind that most people with addiction who experience a recurrence will return to recovery. Almost everything we think we know about addiction is wrong.

Department of Health Care Services Program ID

Some people may think that relapsing is a sign of failure. They may feel there’s no hope after a relapse and that they should give up. With the proper support and treatment, you might not relapse. But if you do, it just means you may need to readjust your treatment. For example, if you were attending a group addiction meeting only once a month after detox and experienced a relapse, then you should begin more intense outpatient therapy. Misconceptions about addiction have been in circulation for centuries.